Trousdale/The Teskey Brothers, The Met, Philadelphia, PA. 6/18/24.

Trousdale and The Teskey Brothers at the Met was bound to be an amazing show. Trousdale; an all female folk band from California known for their incredible harmonies opened up the show. The powerful trio led things off with their hit songs “Bad Blood” and “Point Your Finger” which was a great way to start off the night. The highlight of their set was when they covered Fleetwood Mac’s “The Chain” which had everyone in the crowd singing along. The Teskey Brother’s came out to a huge ovation and started their set with “Try A Little Tenderness”. A highlight of their set was during “I Get Up” Josh kneeled down and sang to the crowd from the end of the stage for the second half of the song with a spotlight on him. Another awesome moment was the guitar solo Sam Teskey played during “Paint My Heart” and then when he was done he threw his guitar to the tech at the back of the stage. They closed out their set with “What Will Be” but not before coming back to play a 3 song encore. During “Hold Me” the final song of the night the whole band got together for a group photo and then left to a standing ovation from the audience.

Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.


