Mannequin Pussy, Union Transfer, Philadelphia, PA. 5/23/24.

The third and final night of Mannequin Pussy’s return to Philadelphia. The opener for the show was Soul Glo a hardcore punk band also from Philadelphia. They ripped a wild set getting the crowd involved and having mosh pits and crowd surf breakout through the entire time they were on stage. When Mannequin Pussy took the stage the hometown crowd erupted in cheer. The band talked about how far they’ve come as a band and how excited they were to be back in Philadelphia, selling out Union Transfer for three straight nights. They led off with “I Don’t Know You” and “Sometimes” both new songs off of their I Got Heaven album. The band really brought the energy for their final show and played a full 16 songs before thanking Philadelphia and leaving the stage. The crowd could see the balloons hanging overhead and knew they could will them to come back out. The band came back out and the guitarist “Bear” played the next song “Pigs is Pigs” a hit song of theirs from 2021. They closed out the night with “Romantic” and as they were nearing the end all the balloons came down and the crowd as well as the band were batting them in the air and kicking them all over. Once the set was over all the members of the band and tour came and bowed to the crowd and thanked everyone for coming. It was an incredible show for everyone.

Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.


