Twogether Land Day 1, Fair Park, Dallas, TX. 5/25/24.

Twogether Land Festival: A Melodic Fusion of Genres Ignites Fair Park

    The inaugural Twogether Land Festival at Fair Park in Dallas, Texas, not only celebrated a diverse musical lineup but also offered an array of attractions that kept attendees engaged throughout the day. With food trucks serving a variety of cuisines, artists live painting, podcast stages, and even a skating rink, the festival created an immersive cultural experience.

    Kicking off the musical festivities was R&B singer Kenyon Dixon, whose 90s-inspired grooves set a nostalgic tone. A four-time Grammy nominee, Dixon's set included his hit "Lucky," his latest song "Still," and dynamic dance routines, even giving his backup singers their moment to shine with popular covers.

    Next, hip-hop artist 310babii brought the crowd to life with his viral hit "Soak City (do it)," which had everyone dancing along. Country singer Shaboozey added a refreshing twist with his country flair, although his set was unfortunately cut short due to technical issues. Nonetheless, his promise of new music soon excited fans.

    Afro-Pop artist Amaarae's performance was a genre-blending journey from alternative rock to R&B. Her hits "SAD GIRLZ LUV MONEY" and "FANCY" highlighted her unique, eclectic sound, making her set a vibrant highlight of the day.

    R&B star Tink graced the stage with undeniable star power, captivating the crowd with her hit "Fake Love." The nostalgic energy surged as Dru Hill delivered an old-school R&B experience with tight choreography and flawless live vocals. Their iconic hit "Tell Me" had everyone stomping in unison, celebrating their 25th anniversary with resounding applause.

    Three 6 Mafia kept the energy high with a string of hits, followed by rap icon Gucci Mane, whose set filled Fair Park and included favorites like "Lemonade" and "I Think I Love Her." His star quality and the crowd's enthusiastic response marked the loudest point of the festival so far.

    Memphis rapper Key Glock honored his late cousin Young Dolph through a poignant montage, before igniting the crowd with "Let's Go," backed by energetic dancers. The high-energy performance was a perfect prelude to the day's headliner, Summer Walker.

    Closing out the day, headliner Summer Walker's highly anticipated set featured dramatic staging and a confident performance. In a corset top and pink knee-high boots, she performed hits like "Session 32" and "Playing Games," showing impressive growth as an artist. Guest appearances by Tink and 4batz added to the excitement, and Walker's vocal prowess was undeniable as she connected with the audience, who sang along to every word.

   Despite the sweltering heat, the first day of Twogether Land Festival was a resounding success, showcasing a vibrant mix of genres and electrifying performances that captivated the audience. From Kenyon Dixon's soulful R&B to Summer Walker's captivating headlining set, each act brought unique flair and energy to the stage. The festival's diverse lineup and the artists' engaging performances created an unforgettable atmosphere, leaving fans eagerly anticipating Day 2. Twogether Land proved to be a celebration of music and community, setting a high standard for future festivals.

Shot and Written by Loreal Curtis


