Lime Cordiale, World Cafe Live, Philadelphia, PA. 2/28/25.
I’ve been waiting for years to get to see Lime Cordiale come to Philly. I got to the show just in time for the start of The Orphan The Poet, an alternative/indie band based out of Columbus, Ohio. The band instantly got the crowd involved by moving them around and then showing off their crazy moves. Soon into their set the singer brought a ladder into the crowd and sang a whole song out amongst the audience. The band had some of their own fans in the Philly crowd and pointed out seeing multiple items of their merch. Lime Cordiale danced their way onto stage for a screaming audience. You could tell the crowd were diehard fans because they would explode in cheer every time the band would start a song. They led off their set with “Pedestal” a song off of their new album Enough Of The Sweet Talk. From there they went into back to back hits of “Temper Temper” and “Naturally” to get the audience singing along. One of the highlights of the set was when they played their Divinyls cover of “I Touch Myself” a fan favorite since they played it live on Australia’s “Like A Version”. Another cool moment in the show was when both brothers came out in boxing robes with a referee and had the audience vote for each of them. After the voting they want into a choreographed fight with the strobe lights firing like crazy which made for an amazing effect. After closing out the set with “Cold Treatment” the band came out to encore 3 all time hits with “Waking Up Easy”, “Robbery”, and “Inappropriate Behavior”. They left the stage by shaking hands with everybody in the front row and then when you left the venue you could see a huge line for merch just showing how great of a time everybody had.
Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.