Jungle: Franklin Music Hall, Philadelphia, PA. 9/27/23.

Jungle has been one of my favorite bands for years now so I was really excited to see them live for the first time. Joesef opened the set with a cool vibe all lined up along a red curtain that got the crowd warmed up for Jungle. I knew it would be impossible to resist dancing throughout the set but I didn’t realize how much they would get the crowd going. You could see from the front row all the way to the back people throwing up their hands side to side and jumping up and down throughout the entire set. You almost forget how many hits Jungle has until you go to a show and every time a song starts it erupts in cheer. They made sure to play “Heavy California”, “Beat 54” and “Casio” earlier in the set which made you wonder what they were saving to close the show with. One of my favorite moments of the set came when they launched giant blow up balls into the crowd and they were bouncing around for several songs. They closed their set with “Busy Earnin’” and thanked the crowd to a huge ovation of fans that knew they would be getting an encore. They came back and finished the night with their big hit “Keep Movin’” which had all the phones in the audience out while the fans shouted along. They did a bow to the crowd and thanked the fans for their energy throughout the night. It was an incredible show!

Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.


