Christmas Burns Red: Lancaster Convention Center, Lancaster, PA. 12/8/23.

With I’d been wanting to see Christmas Burns Red for a few years after seeing August Burns Red in Philadelphia and know what type of show they put on. Once Nothing opened the show and you could see people running into the venue with excitement and the crowd growing more and more throughout their set. The next band to come out was Crystal Lake a Japanese metal band that had crazy energy right out of the gate. Every member was shaking their hair and jumping all over the stage. Crystal Lake came off the stage to a huge ovation. The next band to come out was Spite, a deathcore band that brought old heavy metal band vibes to the stage. The singer repeatedly spit up into the air and had his hair covering his face for pretty much the entire set. The next band was Brand of Sacrifice who also brought an amazing energy to the stage. The singer was flipping his hair all over and kicking his feet over his head. During this set you could feel the crowd energy changing and more and more crowd surfing started happening. The last band before August Burns Red was Texas in July who was the perfect last opener because of how much they reminded me of ABR. They got the crowd fully into the set and everyone was crowdsurfing and hitting giant volleyballs around. When August Burns Red came out they had System of a Down’s “Chop Suey” play them onto the stage. They played their way through the entire album of Rescue & Restore and I even saw a girl crowdsurfing holding the record over her head. They brought incredible energy and the lighting was terrific with their iconic lasers. After their first set they took a very short break and came back out to “Carol of the Bells” and the singer threw presents into the audience. They finished their set with “White Washed” and left the crowd wanting more. Luckily most of the crowd had tickets for another night.

Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.


