Briston Maroney: Union Transfer, Philadelphia, PA. 1/29/24.

Briston Maroney was an early front runner for 2024’s show of the year. The show opened up with Phoebe Go an Australian indie pop artist who has an amazing sound. Although it was just her up there she was really able to connect to the Philly crowd and received a large ovation when she was done her set. When Briston came out everyone was jumping with excitement. He led off the set with his hit song “Body” a personal favorite of mine which had everyone singing along. Briston told the audience he found out that night that Union Transfer used to be a spaghetti factory which made him even more excited to play the venue. I was blown away by how much energy Briston and the rest of his band brought to the show, at one point late in the set he was rolling around the ground while ripping guitar solos. A sea of phones went up when it was time for the band to play “Freaking Out On the Interstate” Briston’s most popular song. After playing a few more songs he thanked the crowd and left the stage but everyone was hoping they could get him back out to sing a few more songs. After the crowd cheered enough for more music he came back out and played “Delaware” a slow ballad by himself before bringing the rest of the band back out to play “Paradise” that he had a fan announce. I highly recommend seeing Briston any chance you get! 10/10

Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.


