Wilderado, Brooklyn Bowl, Philadelphia, PA. 6/13/24.

With Wilderado being one of my favorite bands this was a can’t miss show. Flyte a band from London opened up the show and played a very cool mellow start to their set. Midway through their set they said they were gonna start playing some dancier songs to get the people going. After they were done and a very short layover between sets Wilderado came out to the song “Tomorrow” a new song released in 2024. When they played “Astronaut” it was cool to look around the crowd and see everyone singing along and dancing because they weren’t expecting to hear it so early in the set. They continued to play hit after hit all the way throughout their set. When it was time for “Help Me Down” the rest of the band members left the stage and Max played it acoustically by himself while the crowd joined him in singing along. When it came close to the end of the show Max told the crowd he doesn’t believe in encores so this would be the point he would encore so when they walk off the stage they would really be done. They went on to play “Siren” and “Surefire” two of their biggest songs and then got the whole band to sing “Rubble to Rubble” together on one microphone before thanking Philadelphia for an incredible night.

Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.


