Sarah And The Sunday’s, The Foundry, Philadelphia, PA. 4/7/24.

Sarah and the Sunday’s came to Philadelphia on a Sunday. When I showed up to the venue it was already full both because everyone in the crowd were huge Sarah and the Sunday fans as well as fans of the opener Breakup Shoes. The highlight of their set was when they played “Nicotine Dream” a song I used to play on repeat. When they finished playing they thanked the Philadelphia fans a place they said they always enjoy playing. Sarah and The Sunday’s came out playing some of their old hits like “Coward” and “Miss Mary” before asking the crowd if they wanted to hear some unreleased songs. They played two songs that weren’t released yet that got a lot of love from the crowd. They surprised the crowd by playing an unbelievable cover of Djo’s “End of Beginning” which had everyone in the audience singing along. Later in the set they played both of their all time hits of “Moving On” and “Ruby Fields” that got all the phones up in the air to capture their favorite song live. When the show came to an end the crowd wanted more Sarah and the Sunday’s so they got the band to come out and play one more song before the band thanked the Philly crowd for an amazing show.

Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.


