Benson Boone, The Fillmore, Philadelphia, PA. 4/14/24.

Benson Boone is one of the most popular names in music right now after his hit song “Beautiful Things” has been all over TikTok and Instagram Reels. With a line wrapped around the corner to get in you knew it was going to be an incredible show. The opener for the show was Mimi Webb a pop artist from London. She rocked the stage and sang about her new love for being single and really engaged the Philly fans. After a great opening set it was time for Benson to come out. When he took the stage it was one of the loudest ovations I’d ever heard at a show. Instantly he started with a ton of energy back flipping and coming down into the crowd within the first song. By the second song we had already gotten another back flip. When he got to one of his hit songs “Cry” it got all the phones in the crowd up as everyone wanted to capture that moment. Another big hit was the song “Slow it Down” a ballad that the whole audience could sing along to. When Benson got to “Beautiful Things” the crowd exploded in cheer and every person in the venue was dancing along to the song. It was an amazing stop along the Fireworks and Rollerblades tour.

Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.


