Sam Burchfield, Johnny Brenda’s, Philadelphia, PA. 11/19/24.

When I saw that Sam Burchfield was going to be at Johnny Brenda’s, one of my favorite Philly venues I knew I had to be there. The opener for the show was Leon Macjen, a country folk artist from the gulf coast of Florida. His mix of harmonica and guitar was the perfect way to start off the show. The highlight of his set was when he played a new song and let the audience take a try at giving the song a name. Sam came out with his 4-piece band and instantly engaged the crowd by playing one of his all time hits “Colorado”, a great sing along tune. A cool moment in the set was when Sam played his cover of his wife (Pip The Pansy’s) “Stranger In The Garden” a very different version than her pop original. Another highlight of the set was when he brought Leon Macjen back on stage to play a song together. The band closed out with Sam’s all time hit song of “The Last of the Honey Bees” which got everyone in the audience swaying and singing along. I’m already looking forward to the next time Sam Burchfield and The Scoundrels come back to Philly.

Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.


