Moon Taxi: Brooklyn Bowl, Philadelphia, PA. 11/9/23.

During Covid I kept saying how much I wanted to see Moon Taxi live, so when I saw them coming to Brooklyn Bowl I couldn’t wait for the show. The opener for the show was the Stews, I had heard good things about them so I made sure to get there nice and early to check them out. I didn’t expect so much energy from an opener, they absolutely blew the crowd away with what felt like a hard rock jam set with some cool vocals mixed in. When they finished their set they got a huge ovation and definitely made some new fans in the audience. When Moon Taxi walked out and led off with “Walk Out” everyone was jumping up and down. They went from their into hits with “All Day All Night” and “Set Yourself Free”. They continued to play their hits throughout their set until they got to their all time hit “Morocco” which everyone knew all the words to already. The highlight of the set is when they closed out their set with a cover of Rage Against the Machine’s “Bulls on Parade” which no one was expecting. It was an awesome way to end the night!

Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.


