Palisades Album Release at Artie’s Bar.
After hearing the song “Sober” released as a single before the release of the whole album I knew we were in for a good album from Palisades. They decided to do an album release show at Artie's Bar in Frenchtown New Jersey. After a couple openers played their sets it was time for the album release and everyone was super excited. Palisades led by their new singer Brandon Elgar took the stage and played their entire album straight through starting with “My Consequences” and ending with fitting title “Closure”. The crowd went crazy for “Sober” and “Sick of the Attitude” with multiple mosh pits breaking out during the set. After they finished playing their set they came off stage for a little while and took a break. After their break was over they came back and played some of their old hits such as “High and Low” and all time favorite “Let Down”. The crowd was extremely excited to hear these songs from the new singer. They stayed around for a while taking pictures with fans and signing records. It was a very successful album release of their great new album.
Shot and Written By Jonah van Bemmelen.