Mac Saturn at The Black Sheep Colorado Springs 3/18/23.
I was super excited to see Mac Saturn as I’ve been a fan for a while now and getting to see him play in a cool venue in Colorado was sure to be an amazing show. The show started with a local Colorado opener that was a 5 piece band with a saxophone and organ with a real funk feel. The highlight of their set is when the played a Beatles “Get Back” mashup which got the crowd singing along. The second opener was British punk artist The Billy Tibbals Band. They brought an incredible energy and had some real Ramones like vibes. From the start of their set they had everyone jumping up and down and it last their entire even Billy Tibbals himself was doing an incredible jump every other song. After a great first two openers it was time for Mac Saturn to come out. Even though I was already a big fan I didn’t know I was in for one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. They came out to one of their best songs “Diamonds” which got the crowd dancing until the singer threw a deck of cards into the crowd which got everyone jumping up trying to grab one. He continued to electrify the crowd playing “Ain’t Like You” and “Persian Rugs”. They really got the crowd going when the singer said he was going to sing a song about Cadillacs and then went into their all time song “Mr. Cadillac” which everyone in the crowd knew the lyrics to. At one point in the show and the highlight to me was when the singer had a Jim Morrison moment and was feeling the moment so much he was laying perpendicular on the stage still singing and moving his hips. They closed with “Plain Clothes Gentleman” and the singer left the stage for a minute while the band played without him and then he came back on to thank the crowd for an incredible show.
Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.