The Driver Era, The Fillmore, Charlotte, NC. 4/19/24.

The Driver Era boys paid a visit to Charlotte, North Carolina. 

The Fillmore was packed with fans late Friday evening. The venue was full of excitement and anticipation, even after fans endured heavy rain outside. While waiting for the band of the evening to come on stage, the crowd broke out into song numerous times. One song in particular was a song from Ross Lynch’s acting days on Disney Channel. 

The clock hit 9:30, the lights went dim, and the fans went insane. They were so loud, you could feel it in your bones and somehow when The Driver Era walked out on stage they got even louder. They opened the show with a fun song called “A Kiss” followed by “Natural”, “Malibu”, and “Heaven Angel”. You could tell that the band was happy to be there and performing together so of course that excited energy carries onto the crowd. Towards the end of their set, The Driver Era played their newest single, “Get Off My Phone”. Ross said in passing that the fans might not know all of the lyrics yet since it had recently been released. But he couldn't have been further from wrong, the fans yelled every word right back to them. Overall, The Driver Era gave a fantastic performance and left fans both ecstatic and eager to see what comes next from the Lynch brothers.

Shot and Written by Hailey Burris.


