Taylor Acorn, The Foundry, Philadelphia, PA. 4/21/24.

Taylor Acorn in Philadelphia is a can’t miss show because you know she’s going to bring a whole lot of energy. The show opened up with World’s First Cinema a pop punk band from Los Angeles that played an amazing opening set. The singer of the band also played the violin which was a cool surprise as well as a guitarist who was spinning while playing and a drummer who was throwing his sticks high up in the air. When Taylor took the stage she let everyone know that she was feeling sick and had no voice so the crowd would have to help her out. Right from the start of the set you could hear the crowd singing along and that didn’t stop through the entire show. She opened the set with a new song “Gray” and the band really moved all over the stage including the guitarist who kept kicking his leg over his head as well as spinning in circles. When Taylor played the song “Coma” the crowd erupted in cheer and took their phones out because that was a clear favorite amongst the audience. She continued playing her hits of “Everything Sucks” and “In My Head” before closing the night out with “Shapeshifting”.

Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.


