Michigander: Fillmore, Philadelphia, PA. 11/22/23.

I was excited to see Michigander for the first time because I’ve loved their music for many years now. Opening the set was a Wildermiss an indie rock band from Denver Colorado. With a great opening set moving all over the stage they got the band ready for Michigander’s set. Michigander came out to the song “Better” which instantly got the crowd into their set. They rolled right into one of their biggest songs and played “In My Head” that had everyone in the audience singing along. After that he thanked everyone for coming out with it being Thanksgiving Eve and told about how much he loved Philadelphia. The highlight of the set was when they did a cover of U2’s “Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” and had the crowd sing the chorus. They played their biggest hit of “Misery” second to last and closed out their set with “Let Down” and received a huge ovation before leaving the stage.

Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.


