Modernlove at the Larimer Lounge Denver, CO. 3/20/23.
Showing up to the legendary Denver venue the Larimer Lounge I was pretty excited to see what it was all about. I was excited to see Modernlove after missing them in Philadelphia because I know they have a 1975 like vibe. Opening up for them on the tour was Miette Hope who was originally from Colorado Springs so she had a lot of family and friends in the audience. After a great set it was time for Modernlove who had come all the way from Ireland for this tour and had explained how excited they were to be in America. Even though it was a smaller stage every member of the band was moving all over it. They played their hit songs “Follow You” and “2 missed calls”. The highlight of the show for me was when they played their hit song “Liquorice”. A good night was had by all.
Shot and Written by Jonah van Bemmelen.